Collaborative Design - Task 2 Design Proposal


Week 5 - Week 7 (01/05/22 - 15/05/22)
Ng Mei Ying (0340563)
Collaborative Design Practice 
Task 2 - Design Ideation


📌 Task 2: Design Ideation & Proposal

 (W5 - W6)  Design Research & Brainstorming 

This week, our team continue to generate the design idea according to the data collected last week. We start with drafting the possible design solution for DumoWongi which includes brand image & packaging design, social media post-re-design, brand video as well as website re-design. During the discussion, we found that it's not easy to cover all design solutions within a limited timeframe. Therefore, we decided to further dissect the design solution and arrange a meeting with the entrepreneur for further discussion of the design solution.

Ideation Brainstorming (stage 1)

During the group discussion, we made a task delegation plan based on our specialization. Hanbo would continue to work on the logo design and branding research; Syara would be working on the website and AR filter design research; Ziyi would be working on the social media post research; Hyoung Yoon and I would be working on the branding video & illustration research. 

In the beginning, our group was thinking to adopt an elegant design style as the main art direction as the entrepreneur prefers that style during the meeting discussion. We found that she preferred an elegant design style with a neutral colour scheme too during the latest meeting with her. However, we soon found that the elegant design art style brought too much premium sense which did not suit the brand nature well. Therefore, we decided to propose an art direction that features casual, heartfelt and down-to-earth characteristics.

Mood board & Art Direction (Before finalizing)

Mood board & Art Direction (After finalizing)

On the other hand, Ziyi had arranged another meeting with the entrepreneur next week to confirm the overall information regarding the social media post. During the meeting with Ms Irene, Ziyi presented the posting idea and content arrangement. Ziyi and I get to know more content to be posted and features in the website and Instagram posts. Furthermore, we also decided to propose a 2D vector style motion graphic for branding video making as it's contributed to a better visual delivery for the viewers.

Ideation Brainstorming (ideas prioritises)

Design & concept description for finalized design ideas

 # Consultation Note:   Ms Lilian mentioned that we should include more reference images that could help us to better visualize the final design outcome. Overall, the design ideas brainstormed were reasonable to execute for a team of five designers and the progress was good.

 # Next Course of Action:   
- Finalize the brainstorming ideas & search for more design references
- Prepare the presentation slide and project document slide 

 (W7)  Design Ideation Proposal Presentation 

Design Ideation Presentation Slide:

Project Document Slide:

 # Consultation Note:   Ms Lilian mentioned that the design ideation presentation slide should be not too wordy and it should include more images and information regarding the moldboard and art direction. Therefore students should make adjustments to the slide content. Ms Irene mentioned that she is fined with the design proposal and she was looking forward to the design execution.

 # Next Course of Action:   
- Update the weekly peer evaluation and submit the slides
- Start to work on the proposed design ideas

 # Reflection:   I found that the process of ideas brainstorming was good although there were some difficulties to arrange an ideal group meeting time and meeting times tends to be dragging too long sometimes. Moreover, I observed that our teammates tend to overly rely on the opinion from the entrepreneur's aspect and I think that we should also grab the chance to propose the design ideas instead of fully following the given opinions. Last but not least, good collaboration and communication skill is important to pull out good teamwork.


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