💧 Exercises

07/01/2020 - 16/01/2020 (Week 1 - Week 2)
NG MEI YING 0340563
Information Design



EXERCISE 1 - Quantify & Visualize Data (Buttons)

07/01/2020 (Week 1)
In this session, we were going to start our first exercise with the buttons or lego blocks. It was indeed an interesting exercise to me! Ms Anis mentioned that we should observe the medium we got and find out the potential data we could collect.

I decided to go with the corel pink buttons. I started with a classification based on the size, holes, border, texture or colour. With all of the buttons well arranged on the A4 paper according to the classification info written, I snapped a picture of it for the next class.

Fig 1.0   Buttons classification on paper

Fig 1.1   Buttons data collection

08/01/2020 (Week 1)
In this class, I needed to continue with the exercise to create a infographics poster on a A4 paper without using digital software. I recovered the initial arrangement of the buttons on the paper according to the picture. I did some changes on the arrangement to ensure it was following to the principle of hierarchy.

I was struggling weather to rearrange the buttons based on the texture, colour or both. I decided to classify them according to the texture as their colour were too jumbled up. Ms Anis said that it was one of the right way to do data classification to avoid gratuitous visualization. Once I happy with the final classification, I draft out the rough drawing on the paper and draw infographics chart with markers. The classification was according to the y-axis (Size) and the x-axis (Texture/Border/Holes).

Fig 1.2   Buttons chart drafting

Fig 1.3   Buttons data chart outline

Fig 1.4   Final outcome - Buttons Infographic Chart

NOTES: Ms Anis  said that she liked the way I categorized the size of the buttons in a reverse order which is starting from the large size buttons. The overall categorized was good and she was happy with it.

EXERCISE 2 - Pokemon in Data Clutch

13/01/2020 (Week 2)
In this session, we were going to start our second exercise with the Pokemon characters! This time, we were allowed to use computer to create the infographic design. Ms Anis mentioned that we should observe and learn how to applied the L.A.T.C.H principle into the infographic poster design. Firstly, I tried to go through the website about Pokemon as I'm not a big fan of Pokemon (I only know about Pikachu).

I came out with the rough idea of a floating island with different level of places. The four different generation of Pokemon was selected with 4 main power characteristic which were electric, leaf, fire and water. The Pokemon would be categorized based on its  and located at different location. After  the consultation with Ms Anis, she said that it would be better to make use of the empty space, maybe I could add some introduction or history about the Pokemon. She also added that I was free to add more creative idea for the categorize method to show the evolution of the Pokemon.

Fig 2.0   The first draft of the rough idea.

Fig 2.1   The second draft of the idea with LATCH principle.

Fig 2.2   The third draft of the idea with LATCH principle applied.

Fig 2.3   The research moodboard

15/01/2020 (Week 2)
After the presentation of the second flip class topic about the Saul Wurman's Principles of L.A.T.C.H , we needed to start to work on the infographic with adobe illustrator and photoshop. I import the sketches into the Ai and started to draft out the shape with pen tool.

Fig  2.4   The first and second steps of the infographic design.

(Fig 2.4) Firstly, I used the pen tool to draw out the shape of the floating island, the color matching was refer to the moodboard research. Soft pastel color was applied for the background layer. At the same time, the drawing of the mountain, floating land and also the river was drew with the design principle of hierarchy applied to create an fun combination of the nature element.

Fig  2.5   The third and forth steps of the infographic design.

(Fig 2.5) For the next step, the thunder storm with dark cloud were created to represent the power of electric especially for Pikachu, the mouse series. On the other hand, the volcano with lava which represent the power of fire were created at the mountainside.

Fig  2.6   The fifth and sixth steps of the infographic design.

(Fig 2.6 ) Clouds were added to function as a balancing element to ensure the visual is focus to the center of the infographic poster. The 4 circular shapes that resemble the pokemon ball were created as a background for the pokemon evolution process and the generation information.

Fig  2.7    The final out of the infographic design.

NOTES: I would like to make it more three-dimensional if I got more time assigned as it seemed a little too flat as I imagined. However I did enjoy matching the colour around and also spend a little more time to train myself to get use to the pen tool. I also believed that the poster will look more vibrant and lively if the tone could reduce a little as well as increase the hue of colour.


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