💧 Final Project - Final Outcome

17/02/2020 - 02/03/2020 (Week 7 - Week 9)
NG MEI YING 0340563
Intercultural Design
Final Project - Final Outcome


20/02/2020 (Week 7) : Final Outcome / consultation

Today, my group members had a discussion on the final idea for the outcomes that could convey the virtue of Omoiyari which means a little unnoticeable action or extra consideration for the others without expecting anything in returns to the local Malaysian. We were going to combine and further amend some of the ideas we had proposed in the previous presentation slides.

We decided to use QR code as the core elements in our final outcome. By scanning the QR code, people will be guided into a web page that will show the illustration of Omoiyari. It was an interesting method to deliver the crucial virtue of Omoiyari comparing with the others approaches of presentation as the mysterious QR code will arouse people's natural desire to explore which the interactive learning process was formed.

Fig 1.0    Idea Sketching

  • The first idea was the 3D paper cutting standing cards with QR code in each of the frame with flipping cover. When people opened the cover they will see the QR codes.
  • The second idea was the paper cutting cards of QR codes, the cards were stacked in order in the house-like box with light in it. The QR codes is  not just merely a code but it would be carved into a origami paper art.
  • The third idea was the interactive installation with hanging boxes, QR codes will be sticking on one of the surface of the boxes. The installation aiming to create a interactive learning environment that people were allowed to walk through the installation and play with the rotatable boxes with QR codes.

NOTES: During the consultaion with Mr Asrizal, he wanted us to do the publication  about the research we had did for the concept of Omoiyari as he cite it as a great medium to include the mass information of Omoiyari. He also mentioned that if we only create an artwork or creation, people will tend to forget afterwards. However, we think that there will  be a few of  people would read the publication which leads to very low interactive possibility. We insisted on making either one of the artworks especially the installation that would create more interactive among people. Mr Asrizal agreed with our point of view but he said that publication was the direct medium to include all of the information. After the discussion Mr Asrizal wanted us to created both of the creations which were publication and installation.

After the discussion on the task assignment, Zi Yi, Chan Hee and me started to do some research on the publication design to decide the typeface and coloue scheme to be used. As omoiyari was considered as a warm and sweet act, soft pastel colours were chosen as the main colour scheme for the publication. San serif text with clean and fine edge to enhance the readability of text.


- Tay Win Shen
- Dom Lee Jia Yee

- See Zi Yi  (Text)
- Kim Chan Hee  (Illustrations)
- Ng Mei Ying  (Layout & Illustrations)

24/02/2020 (Week 8) : Publication / layout design & illustrations

We continue working on the specific task assignment on this week.

03/03/2020 (Week 9) : Submission Day

After finishing the publication, Zi Yi and me went to the Mummy Design Printing shop to print the publication. Win Shen and Dom together hang up the installation in the design studio. Below are the slides of Project 3 and the final compilation of all slides.


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