Week 1 - Week 5 (23/08/21 - 26/09/21)
Ng Mei Ying (0340563)
PRJ62204 Minor Project
Part A - Research & Ideation
Week 1 - 23/08/2021 (Mon)
Below was the available group projects this semester:
Week 2 - 30/08/2021 (Mon)
In-class learning videos:
Extension learning:
Design thinking is a process that seeks to solve complex
problems by approaching it from the users' perspective. It is also known
as the human-centred design solution. It aims to turn ideas into
tangible and testable products as quickly as possible.
📌 Part 1: Research & Ideation
Team Up & Collaborate
During the first class this week, Mr mike briefed us about the project
outlines and the available collaborators which were going to work closely
with the design school in the miro project. There were several projects
that related to different industries available for students to choose
from. The projects available include healthcare, food & beverage,
recycling as well as urban farming product design. In this module,
students would get the chance to team up and work closely with other
students from different design specialization backgrounds to come out with
a design solution to solve the problem. Mr Mike also introduce us to the
spatial website where we could conduct a virtual gathering/meeting in a
virtual room.
I was joining the urban farming project in the beginning and I was looking
forward to kicking start the collaboration with other design students from
different specializations and the Czech student from the Czech Republic.
However, due to some rules on forming a group, I had left no choice but to
leave the current group and join the SUGOi project. The first meeting with
our collaborator from the business team went pretty smooth
Weekly Meeting Record
Q&A meeting session with TBS team regarding their brand &
# Reflection: The first week was quite chaotic while choosing the preferred
project and forming a team. Especially when our team need to relocate
our team members as Mr Mike mentioned that the specialization
distribution had to be balanced. I felt unfortunate to leave the Urban
project as our group have the ideal teammates ever. Therefore, I
joined the SUGOi project after the negotiation. Nonetheless, another
nightmare seemed to be started when I realised that the project
proposal was having too many logical bugs. I realise that choosing the
right collaborator was indeed important as the product and the brand
proposal itself would define whether it is worth the further
collaboration by the design team to provide them with a design
solution. As I always believe that the core value of a product or
service shouldn't solely rely on visual authenticity, the quality of
the product and service itself matters.
(W2) Contextual Research
In the second week, SUGOi design team continued to keep up with the
discussion with TBS team as well as do further research regarding the
brand, the similar brand competitors and so on. Mox, Zi Yi and I were
actively conducting meetings more than twice a week to review and figure
out the solution for the SUGOi branding strategies and product unique
selling point (which design students were supposedly not in charge of
this). Due to the time constrain, our group had to move on to craft the
questionnaire design for later use.
# Consultation Note: Mr Mikementioned that we should try to give some more time to
communicate with TBS team regarding their business unique selling point
and request them to send us the updated business proposal with the updated
product unique selling point. If the business proposal still did not
revise based on requirements, Mr Mike would communicate with the TBS team
and their lecturer directly.
SUGOi Brand Research (Part 1)
SUGOi Brand Research (Part 2)
Contextual Research (Part 1)
Contextual Research (Part 2)
Contextual Research (Part 3)
Survey Question Design
Final Proposal Sent by Business Team
# Reflection: I would really appreciate it if teammates could be more active in
participating in the group discussion especially in Microboard and also
more responsive towards group messages. I was worrying that some of our
teammates would be left behind if our team could find an effective way to
get everyone into the same picture. Also, some of the teammates were
staying in different countries, hence, the time difference was another
challenge to carry out effective teamwork. Besides, the weekly meeting
with the business team tends to drain my confidence towards the SUGOi
project as the collaboration progression did not seem to be going the
right path. I still have a lot of doubts about the SUGOi business model
although Mr Mike mentioned that he would talk to the business team and try
to guide them to twist the business proposal towards an ideal way. Through
the collaboration with SUGOi I've learned that a good presentation skill
would able to turn something impossible into something possible, however,
immature branding did not worth the time invested by the users as well as
designers. I regret to say that I feel deeply deceived and our time and
effort invested into this project had gone futile...
(W3) User Persona & Survey Design
During the Friday class, the SUGOi design team had a meeting with Mr Mike
to go through the latest proposal provided by the SUGOi business team and
we found that there were still many holes in the SUGOi brand proposal… Due
to the consideration of ideal minor project execution, our teammates all
agreed to dissolve the SUGOi team and join the other teams separately. I
decided to join the Extrash group as an all-rounder who was able to
dedicate to various design discipline requirements and I really appreciate
Mr Mike for giving me this chance to showcase my design skills.
The first day joining the Extrash group was nervous and exciting. I felt a
bit of pressure as I needed to get myself familiar with the business brand
and keep up with the current design stage in a very limited time. The
Extrash design teammates were very welcoming and friendly to me and I was
pretty impressed by Kyra, Jonathan and Fazal warm chat to get me to blend
into the team better. To facilitate the usual sharing files and meeting
discussions among the design teammates, I created a new Google driver and
discord server for our Extrash design team. On the other hand, my task to
do was to help to check and refine the survey questions.
Contextual Summary (by other teammates)
Competitor Analysis: iCycle Global (created by other group members)
Competitor Analysis: Recycle (created by other group members)
Competitor Analysis: Trash4Cash (created by other group members)
User Persona Confirmation
The moment I went through the users' persona again, I wondered that why we
did not have any users around the age of 40 and above. While reflecting my
doubts towards my teammates, they also agree that the people above age 30
would be having sufficient interest to participate in the recycling topic as
they would tend to be more engaging towards recycling topics compared with
the youngsters. Therefore, our design team had made an up-to-date user
persona that cover the elderly community.
Interview Question design based on User Persona
User Persona 1 |
User Persona 2 |
User Persona 3 |
# Consultation Note: The industry/business side only wants to see key features / unique
pages, computing may require the full flow for their capstone project.
Push for the XD prototype for completion of user flowsMr Mike mentioned that the feedback from the business team on content creation is premature; we need to complete our design thinking/user journey map before the content creation. Moreover, we should put a percentage on the user personas to indicate the user amount.
# Reflections:
I was very grateful that Mr Mike was very responsible towards
students’ learning conditions to ensure that students were treated
fairly while participating in collaboration projects. At the same
time, I really appreciate that Mr Mike was willing to give me a
chance to join the ExTrash group as a third animation student that
will be wearing different hats to cope with multi-disciplinary
design tasks.
The project seemed easy and simple but it was very confusing on the
first day I joined the new team. The design teammates were very
welcoming and I was impressed by the two entertainment design
students as they were very good talkers which brought out a
brilliant conversation that allowed me to quickly integrate into the
team without much concern.
I was grateful that the team leader was very upbeat and keen to keep
me updated with the current progression of the ExTrash project.
Besides, thanks to the tolerance and patience from my teammates, I
was able to catch up with the project in a short timeframe and
started to contribute as a teammate.
It's funny to know that when Kyra told me “You only join us for two
hours but feel like you have to do a lot of stuff.” I would like to
take the words as a confidence booster but at the same time, I was
hoping that I'm contributing to the team effectively.
(W4) Data Collection & Summarization
In this week, we were required to find potential interviewees who fit our
user persona well. Our teammates were very conscious of finding people
around them to fill up the google survey, the process of finding the right
people in a sufficient amount went pretty smooth as our user personas
covered a wide range of age groups. Aside from that, I invited my relatives
to participate in the zoom interview to gather some in-depth points of view
from them. During the zoom interview, Mandarin was adopted as the main
communication language in order to allow the interviewee to understand and
answer the interview question precisely. The whole interview process was
recorded and I translate the verbal communication into a Chinese writing
report and Hanbo would be assisting to translate the Chinese writing report
into the English version.
Google Survey Data Collection
Google Survey Data Summary (By Fazal, Jon, Kyra)
Zoom Interview Transcript (By Hanbo & Mei Ying)
# Consultation Note:
Good question design regarding the specific colours that associate
with the recycled items. However, need to ensure the questions
designed for either questionnaire survey and interview are “layman”
enough to confirm the non-professional participants could easily
understand the survey questions.
Exclude the question regarding the preferable app features design
as it is too early to ask this kind of question in this current
stage. It’s better to ask this question after having the rough
creation of a prototype.
The overall questions design was quite complete, and it’s great that the
design team was able to gain sufficient participants to participate in
the google survey.
Need to summarize and extract the key information from the survey data
in Miroboard so that we could move further to start filling up the
insight discovery section.
# Reflections:
I found that many of the participants who are not native English
speakers may tend to have difficulties understanding and answering
google surveys in English. While summarizing the survey data, I
realised that there were too many open-ended questions which led us to
do extra work to filter out all the replicated answers manually.
However, I was glad that our teammates were able to find sufficient
participants to hit the minimum targeted participant numbers.
Before the meeting with Mr Mike, our group was having a meeting with
our collaborators (EAP & SCE teams) in Microsoft Teams to update
the current progress. During the sharing, the SCE Computer Science
students had prepared the first version of the low fertility app
interface design. I found that it’s important to have weekly meetings
to update our collaborators about the current progression although
there’s a little to share. Sometimes it would be quite a challenge to
work in such a large team as we have to ensure that all people are in
the same picture without any misunderstanding.
On the other hand, our team started to distribute the Google survey
which we have finalized and confirmed with Mr Mike by this week to the
public. I was pretty concerned about the limited time frame as there
were only around 2 weeks available to gain sufficient participants to
participate in the questionnaire survey. Nonetheless, I’m glad that
our teammates were giving full cooperation to ensure the data
collection went smoothly.
Moreover, our team didn't spend much time on meetings which I
personally think should be carried out on a weekly basis. However,
it's worth appreciating that our teammates are trying their best to
make use of their time efficiently after every consultation with Mr
Mike in order to complete tasks within the class time.
(W5) Insight Discovery & Proble Statements
In this week, we were tasked to complete problem statements as a group during the class including
discussion & confirming the insight statement, problem statement
and "How Might We" Statements. I’ve collected some reference images on Pinterest as well to add on the
ideas sticky notes for the “How Might We” statements/idea brainstorm
regarding the app features in Miroboard. I was thinking of having
several ideas to build the users engagement like contest activity, app
login reward,smart-cam to detect/identify the recyclable waste as well
as having a gamify idea that integrates with the Google map. During the
discussion with Mr Mike, provided very thorough guidance to summarize
all of the “How Might We” ideas at the same time helping us to
categorize the sticky notes ideas using different colours. I included
the legend that indicates what the sticky note colour refers to in order
to ensure our team could understand those sticky note colours better.
After the consultation, our team starts to delegate tasks to prepare the
design proposal by next week.
Insight Discovery Statement (By TDS)
Problem Statement (By TDS)
"How Might We" Statement / Solution Brainstorm (By TDS)
Extrash design team Pinterest group for the design reference
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