💧 Project 1 - Proposal

13/04/2020 - 04/05/2020 (Week 1 - Week 4)
NG MEI YING (0340563)
Design Research Methodology
Project 1 - Proposal



13/04/2020 (W1) : Research Introduction
Today I had my first ever e-learning experience by utilizing several media as an effective learning approach in the midst of a severe outbreak of a pandemic. Dr Hayati and Dr Jinchi started the live streaming in Microsoft Teams for the module introduction and the first lesson. All students were requested to confirm their specialization aiming to have a clear research direction throughout the research journey. Animation and Visual Effect was confirmed to be my specialization for my Degree study. Lecturer told us to do some research to find out the interesting keyword for our research.

More Info - Youtube link:

20/04/2020 (W2) : Problem statement, Research question, Research objective
Today Dr Hayati conducted the lectures on how to write the problem statement, research question as well as the research problem.

More Info - Youtube link:

27/04/2020 (Week 3): Inductive & Deductive Approach
Today's lecture was conducted by Dr Jinchi regarding the correct arrangement order of the Research Objective and Research Question. Base on the different order of the Research Objective and Research Question, different research approaches would be used.

Research Questions Come First
  • If you have no clue for the result
  • Inductive Approach will be used
  • There is a few or no existing research on the topic
    (no reference theory to test), you have to observe and generate new theory.
Research Objective Come First
  • If you have an idea for the result
  • Deductive Approach will be used
  • To explore the known theory from the propositions to test
    whether the theory is workable in that given circumstance.
More Info - Youtube link:

04/05/2020 (Week 4) : Nurul Al-Quran Holiday


13/04/2020 (Week 1): Idea Brainstorm
After confirming my specialization in Animation and Visual Effect, the next thing to do was to do some online research on research papers, journal and publication to explore the research topic that I was interested in. The true interest in the topic was important as it will motivate one's in the journey of research otherwise one's will get bored during the research. Dr Jinchi said that we could start with finding out what we always wanted to know about the specialization? It was our chance to gain deeper knowledge as well as to push the boundaries. The strong research topic would greatly benefit our final year project too.

Recommended Research Sites:

Fig 1.1  Draft of brainstorming.

Fig 1.1  Draft of research questions and objectives.

FEEDBACK:  Ms Hayati mentioned that I have a good summary of the research topics however I  have to choose only one of the specific research topics which I have my great passion towards it. This is important as my passion will drive me further in the journey of research. Same, it's crucial to choose a topic that can be expanded for wider research that can bring benefits to me as a future animator.

20/04/2020 (Week 2): Proposal (version 1)
After the lectures, the student needed to prepare a google document and start with the first draft of the problem statement as well as the research questions and research objectives. The problem statement needed to be around 300 words.  Share the google file with Dr Hayati once we had done with the draft and wait for her feedback. Below was the first draft of the proposal.

FEEDBACK: Ms Hayati mentioned that the research question was quite clearly described. The research problem did not look like a problem but more like a topic, I need to slightly change it according to the problem statement. For the problem statement, I needed to rephrase it more by using my own words to avoid plagiarism. Besides, the references for writing the problem statement should be attained from the scholarly research document but not a website blog as they were not recognized by the scholar. Lastly, I needed to avoid the word "impact" in the research questions as it needed a deep study for more than 3 years which was not suitable for my 3 months research time frame.

27/04/2020 (Week 3): Proposal (version 2)
Today we had to continue revising the proposal to a better version.

FEEDBACK:  Ms Hayati reminded the class to conduct works effectively with good time management.  As the creative industry was a rapidly developing industry, we were encouraged to use scholar research papers from 2014 and above to ensure that the research theory was up-to-date. Lastly, the progress update sheet needed to be updated weekly in the google file. According to the feedback from Dr Hayati on google drive, the issue stated in the problem statement was not the recent issue, it's better to replace it with the latest issue. Avoid using a blog or website as a reference too. 

04/05/2020 (Week 4): Proposal (Final version)
Below was the final version of the proposal. The revision had been made according to the feedback given by Dr Hayati in google drive. The problem statement for this proposal was replaced by new research of the latest issue regarding visual aesthetic in the animation industry that I wanted to know more about it yet it was worth to study for. This research topic was aiming to find out the key elements that form a general visual aesthetic that was accepted by the audiences from different cultural context as well as it's contributions for most of the successful animation movies to deliver a resonating and immersing story of life.

FEEDBACK: Ms Hayati later realised that the research coverage topic of visual aesthetic was a little broad after she approved the proposal.


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