Motion Graphic - Exercises


Week 1 - Week 6 (26/08/21 - 30/09/21)
Ng Mei Ying (0340563)
DST60704 Motion Graphic & Compositing
Exercise: (20% Individual)
- Handcraft Collage
- Digital Collage
- Animated Collage (IG Story Video)



 W1 Lec  Constructive Workflow 

Lecture & Tutorial Video:

 W2 Lec  History & principles of Motion graphic 

Lecture & Tutorial Video:
Extra Learning Resource:

 W5 Lec  Animation Techniques 

Extra Learning Resource:

 W6 Lec  Keying Green Screen 

Lecture & Tutorial Video:
Extra Learning Resource:


 Ex 1: Handcraft Collage   (W1 - 26.08.2021) 

For the first week of the class, Mr Fauzi briefed the students regarding the module outline as well as showing the seniors work. On the other hand, students were requested to do some warm-up preparation for project 1, which including collecting potential motion graphic image references on Pinterest and finding old magazines for collage making exercises. The collage exercise was aimed to sharpen student's ability of visual elements combination. Students could be creative in preparing the materials for the collage art: the unwanted cloth, products packaging and so on.

The materials were physically cut from the old fashion magazine I have in my house. I had no solid idea of what content to create at the very beginning. Therefore I decided to just flip through the magazines available and try to find out the possible composition elements. Several interesting parts from the magazine were cut out and prepare for the first composition. The text and image composition I selected was aiming to convey a city and fashion vibe.

Fig 1.0   Collage version 1 (1st composition)
Mr Fauzi pick this version!

Fig 1.1   Collage version 1 (2nd composition)

Fig 1.2   Collage version 1 (3rd composition)

Fig 1.3   Collage exploration (1st composition)

Fig 1.4   Collage exploration (2nd composition)

 # Consultation Note:   Mr Fauzi mentioned the first collage displayed a playful visual hierarchy as the text and the image complement each other well and giving a sense of flow when people trying to read the college. The rest of the composition looked good as well and they were all given a different kind of visual flow. Overall, Mr Fauzi prefered the first collage composition as it provided a better visual flow.

 # Reflection:  Finding a set of suitable elements for collage could be a little difficult as the available size and the colour for images were limited and it could be brain taxing to figure out the best composition without relying on digital software. I appreciated having this chance to unfold my creative expression in the traditional way.

 Ex 2: Digital Collage   (W2 - 02.09.2021) 

In this following exercise, students were tasked to create a digital collage with given materials in Ps. The visual materials gave by the lecturer had undergone some colour adjustment and refinement so that its saving students' time to redo those adjustments. Students were being told to play with the filters and colour effect and so on to explore the possibilities of compositing a digital collage. I tried to apply the design principle I had learnt from the sem 1 module into the college work to ensure the outcome won't leading to a chaotic direction.

Fig 2.0   The given collage materials

Fig 2.1  Croping images in Ps

Fig 2.2  Exploring the images composition & filters in Ps

Fig 2.3   Digital collage (1st composition)

Fig 2.4   Digital collage (2nd composition)

Fig 2.5   Digital collage (3rd composition)
Mr Fauzi pick this version!

 # Consultation Note:  Mr Fauzi mentioned the first composition looked good and the composition flows in a casual way. The composition of the second collage looked better and people could observe the creator tried to find a balance in the visual arrangement. For the last collage,  it seemed to be having a more dramatic and chaotic visual vibe. Overall the last digital collage provided a good composition out of the rest.

 # Reflection:  It's really fun to see how the other students compose their digital collage according to their design aesthetics and design thinking (as collage artwork could reflect one's personality indirectly too). On the other hand, I found myself not a big fan of creating collage artwork because I needed to be more patient to get the composition and the colour right. Besides, I found my classmates' artwork was simple yet inspiring, especially Jia Yi's digital collage just simply looked like an immersive triptych.

 Ex 3: IG Story Video  (W3 - 09.09.2021) 

In this exercise, students needed to utilise their previous digital collage work to create an Instagram story video. To start with the exercise, I duplicated the previous digital collage Ps file as the materials for the Instagram story creation. I did not reuse the same design directly as I found the old digital collage design was too chaotic when I intended to resize the image size into a vertical 1080 x 1920 size. Therefore, I redesigned the digital collage by removing those extra visual elements in order to give a simple vibe to the visual composition. After locking down the poster design, the Ps file was then imported into Ae for animation and audio compositing. Below was the working process:

Fig 3.0   Digital Collage Poster Redesign in Ps
The intention to adjust the existing digital collage design was to ensure
all the visual elements were arranged in a better composition.

Fig 3.0   Importing the Ps file into Ae
The Ps poster was imported into Ae as a composition with the size retained.
The folder was created and rename according to the file format.

Fig 3.1   Digital Collage Poster Redesign in Ps
The intention to adjust the existing digital collage design was to ensure
all the visual elements were arranged in a better composition.

Fig 3.2   Creating a motion path by keying keyframe in position layer.
The movement of the plant was set to follow the rhythm of the imported music.

Fig 3.3   Parenting the layers in Ae
Parenting the fencer layer to the shark layer allows the fencer
to follow the movement of the shark.

Fig 3.4   Animating the paper plane and do the final adjustment in Ae
After doing the final checking of the overall animation movement and music rhythm,
the motion composition was then exported using Media Encoder.

 # Consultation Note:  Mr Fauzi mentioned the final outcome had a good colour correction in a simple composition. It was good that I knew how to play around with the keyframe and timing. The sound was essential to set the mood, tempo as well as rhythm to the blank. It also showed that I understood on how to fill in the blank.

 # Reflection:  The overall exploration in this exercise was fun and I was happy that I had learned something that I never tried before especially the parenting function. This exercise was a good practice recalling my memories on how to use After Effect as it's been a long time ago since I last used this software.


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